# Websites and their type of BigBlueButton frontend # The type can be either 'greenlgiht' or 'studip' infrastructure: studip.uos.de: studip studip.uni-osnabrueck.de: studip webconf.uos.de: greenlight webconf.uni-osnabrueck.de: greenlight bbb.elan-ev.de: greenlight # Client configuration. # Clients are identified by their hostname. clients: bbb-cam.vm.elan.codes: # Schedule of when to stream schedule: - start: 2022-08-22T15:35:05+0200 stop: 2022-08-22T17:35:10+0200 location: https://bbb.elan-ev.de/r/aslkdjfh # Name identifying the client. # Will also be used as login name in BigBlueButton. id: 42/201 # List of video streams to share. # List must have 0 or 1 elements. video: - rtsp://example.com/stream # List of audio streams to share # List must have 0 or 1 elements. audio: - rtsp://example.com/stream - start: 2022-08-24T10:00:00+0200 stop: 2022-08-24T11:00:00+0200 location: https://webconf.uni-osnabrueck.de/r/ihgfjöd # Name identifying the client. # Will also be used as login name in BigBlueButton. id: 42/E06 # List of video streams to share. # List must have 0 or 1 elements. video: - rtsp://example.com/stream # List of audio streams to share # List must have 0 or 1 elements. audio: - rtsp://example.com/stream